COVID-19 Update as of August 31, 2021
The Long Island Sports Complex where all Striker Soccer Challenge games are played will be following NY State COVID-19 protocols established for indoor youth sports activities. As the season approaches, and if the State protocols change, these changes will be followed by Ownership of the Sports Complex. As of this "Update" Ownership expects to allow spectator attendance with proof of vaccination and as long as masks are worn at all times while inside the facility.
For more information regarding this issue, please visit Forward.NY.Gov
Important Information Re: COVID-19
The Long Island Sports Complex is looking forward to hosting your team in the upcoming Striker Soccer Challenge. Please be sure to review this page in its entirety prior to the start of the season and arriving at the facility. This page contains pertinent information regarding new safety measures, precautions, rules, and regulations that all participants in the Striker Soccer Challenge must follow to mitigate the risk and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). During these ever-changing times, the Long Island Sports Complex remains committed to providing the best quality indoor winter soccer experience on Long Island.
Coaches, players, and trainers alike should expect to see changes made to the rules, facility layouts, and more; to ensure the Long Island Sports Complex is compliant with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), state, and local regulations. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and flexibility in adhering to these new regulations, as they are put forth for the protection of everyone’s health and safety. Large gatherings (such as soccer tournaments) can create an increased risk of exposure, infection, and spread of COVID-19 according to CDC and state and local health officials. While the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be completely eliminated, Long Island Sports Complex have dedicated their efforts in reducing the risk and exposure of COVID -19.
The Long Island Sports Complex takes the health and safety of players, coaches, trainers, and staff very seriously. You should not attend any game if any of the items below are applicable to you.
You have experienced any of the below symptoms of COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
You cannot follow or maintain proper social distancing guidelines.
You are unable to or refuse to wear a face mask.
You have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
You are categorized as a high-risk individual (compromised immune system, respiratory issues, diabetic, etc.).
By arriving on-site at this event, attendees knowingly and freely accept these risks.
​The Long Island Sports Complex is implementing the following guidelines regarding the wearing of face masks/coverings:
Face covering must be worn over the nose and mouth at all times and includes but is not limited to the restrooms, concessions, moving throughout the facility, sidelines, etc.
Refusal to comply with the above requirements will result in removal from the venue
Staff: Required at all times
Coaches: Required throughout the venue, required during games
Players: Required throughout the venue, not required during warm-ups and game play
Trainers: Required at all times
Referees: Required at all times
​Teams should arrive at the facility no more than 20 minutes prior to the designated start time of their game. Teams will be assigned a designated waiting area and must stay within that area.
All players, coaches, trainers, vendors, referees and staff are required to have their temperature checked upon arrival to the facility. Those whose checked temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed entry into the facility.
Adequate social distancing in team bench areas must be maintained at all times
No shared equipment or water bottles
Drink bottles must have players names written on outside in clear view
Team handshakes are not permitted
Teams must exit the field immediately after the game ends out of the exit door on field level
Spitting is prohibited on and off the field
Coaches are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer for quick sanitation during, between, and after games
Players and coaches are encouraged to apply hand sanitizer when coming on and off the field, as well as after each game
Player equipment should be labeled to avoid confusion and contamination
No group photos permitted on facility property
Follow appropriate directional guidance.
No congregating in large groups when exiting the venue.
All participants must leave the venue once their game is finished.
Participants are not allowed to linger outside the facility once games are completed.
Participants are strongly encouraged to sanitize their hands when leaving the facility.